I consulted Maeve for the lingering effects of Lyme disease which had plagued me for 9 months. I had gone through 2 rounds of antibiotics therapy and countless sessions of physical therapy and was still not back to my normal self. The disease had attacked the nerves of my right shoulder severely, to the point where I couldn't use my arm. The last intervention was a steroid injection in the shoulder joint. But I still couldn't carry anything heavy or stretch my arm above my head.
Maeve was like a God-send. I was at my weekly yoga session for the first time in months and Maeve joined a conversation with a mutual friend. She kindly offered a healing and I readily accepted. If you have ever contracted Lyme disease you probably know that the doctors are a little non-plussed with this condition. It's exasperating. Anyway, I was ready to try anything to regain my old self.
The session was peaceful and powerful. When Maeve worked on me, I felt a wave of energy transferring to her through my arm and hand that she was holding. The real benefits came that night when I had the first good sleep in months. That alone was worth the price of admission. Then in the next few days I gradually recovered complete mobility in my arm. My arm and shoulder that were still frozen regained full motion and I also had much more energy. I would highly recommend a treatment to anyone with a lingering medical conditional who is seeking additional help.

Saturday was so great, I can't thank you enough for my healing. I feel like I am breathing clearer, more light, deeper in my lungs, like the pathways are open where before they were constricted. I notice it when I do yoga - it's as if I am breathing more freely and fully. Wow.

A few years back I was in the middle of a difficult divorce with a huge amount of stress involved and lots of physical labor to execute. Not only was my back in really bad shape, but more importantly, my internal health was suffering in a big way. I was really sick, lounging in bed for days with a serious condition in my lower bowels. Maeve and I were chatting on the phone when I told her I was about to go to the hospital to deal with a very severe case of constipation and other ailments. It was really bad, and I was very sick. I had been to the doctor, and he was very concerned about a bad sore that had developed down below.
Maeve suggested, quite spontaneously, that we do a long distance healing. Having nothing to lose and completely believing in psychic energy and healing we gave it a try. Maeve suggested I lay the phone on my stomach, and we sat in silence, on the phone, for about ten minutes. In the quiet time, we shared a moment that was akin to a miracle. My body responded in a most amazing way. I was able to use the bathroom properly that day, immediately after the phone call, my body healed, and I was much, much better. Upon a follow up visit to the doctor two days later, he was shocked to tell me that my sore had healed up nicely and that I was 99% healed.
I have shared this story many times with many friends, and completely believe, not only in Maeve's healing ability, but in long distance healing at large. Maeve's Energy work is nothing short of miraculous, involving the fine art of kindness, attention, love and healing. This is something to believe in. THANK YOU MAEVE!